How to cancel a subscription to Kajabi? When Kajabi does not work you can cancel the service. In this article, users can learn about canceling the subscription.
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Can I Cancel Kajabi Subscription?
Yes, Kajabi can be canceled. When you are at the point of canceling the Kajabi subscription, you can do so before the next period of Billing commences. Users who remove the subscription accounts become inactive after the subscription period ends.
You cannot get access to the account after the cancellation. The website is also not available for customers after ending the account subscription.
There is an option to downgrade the membership if you do not want to utilize the service for some time.
Kajabi offers a free trial service for new users to check if the service suits their basic needs. Within this trial period, you can make up your mind whether to subscribe to the membership or not.
The trial period can be canceled following the steps below:
Tap Settings. 9
Select the Billing option on the Account Settings head.
Click on the Find Subscription option.
Tap the Cancel Trial button.
How To Cancel Kajabi Subscription?
The cancellation of a Kajabi membership can be processed through the Settings tab. Let’s follow the steps to complete the cancellation procedure.
First, click the Settings tab from the Account of Kajabi.
Next, go to Account Settings and tap the Billing option.
Search the Subscription option and click on it.
Now, select the option ” Cancel Subscription”.
You will be able to see the closing date on the option ” Billing Settings”.
If during the free trial period, you do not like the services offered you can save the subscription fee by canceling the services before moving to the paid version.
Tap the Contacts option. Choose the member you want to remove from the contact list. Tap on the View More option. Next, select More Info the offer you want to remove for the member. Now, select More Actions and click to open. Tap the Cancel Payments option. Pick the billing date – – End date of Billing – Custom Date option – Cancel Now Tap the Cancel Payments option and confirm the removal procedure.
After removing the subscription the site becomes inactive and others cannot find you on Kajabi. This means your account is inaccessible. If you want you can still activate the subscription by logging in using the old credentials. Tap Restore Account
Kajabi refunds new user if cancel their subscription in 30 days. After the deadline is surpassed no refunds will be given on cancellation instead the paid subscription will be ended after completing the billing period.
Tap the Settings option. Click the Account option and tap the Notifications & Privacy option. Select Customer Subscription & Payments under the option “Email Notifications” tab. Tap the notifications. Select the Save button after completing the process.
Firstly, go to your Stripe account and tap the Login button. Browse the Customers Email ID and tap the Stripe Profile of the customer. Next, go to Subscriptions. Select the three dots and tap the option “Cancel subscription”.
On canceling the account will be inactive. You can now request for refund by tapping the Payments option. Tap three dots and select a Refund Payment option. Go through the on-screen instructions and tap the Refund button.
If you do not want to cancel you can pause the account by using a Parked feature that costs $29 in a single month. This feature stores the data in your account without deleting what you created on the site. You can get access if you reactivate the account.
The answer is No. Customers can pay but cannot access the products available on Kajabi. There is the option that no other person has the opportunity to cancel your Recurring Subscriptions unless you do so.
Kajabi offers third-party associates to operate the membership fees letting you control through a Stripe account.
On wrapping up, hope you got your answers on how to remove your Kajabi Membership. There is the option Upgrade and Downgrade by tapping the Upgrade option under the Billing folder. Select anyone from the list