Cancel PeopleLooker subscription

Got what you were looking for on the PeopleLooker platform and now want PeopleLooker to cancel your subscription? This article illustrates all the necessary information that is needed to cancel your subscription to PeopleLooker.

PeopleLooker is the platform that is wielded as a search engine for public records. By using this one can execute background reviews, reverse call lookups, and property and email searches.

Now let us move to the crux of this page.

How do I cancel my subscription Through the PeopleLooker account

  • Go to the official website of the PeopleLooker account i.e. cancel the subscription
  • Next, sign in to the account by using the registered email ID and password and log in.
  • Now, move to the ‘Settings’ section by clicking on the ‘Profile’ icon or the username which is located in the right top corner of the page.
  • Locate the option on ‘Billing’ or ‘Subscription’ from the drop-down list.
  • In the next step, get into the cancellation link or screen that will assist in performing the cancellation of the PeopleLooker process.

How to cancel a PeopleLooker subscription over the Phone

For PeopleLooker subscription cancellation over Phone, the steps one needs to follow are:

  • First, reach out to the PeopleLooker customer service through its phone number by dialing 1-800-218-3309.
  • In response to the staff, ask them to cancel the membership account.
  • Provide the details related to the account such as the PeopleLooker membership ID, name, etc.
  • Once it is done a confirmation mail will be sent through email.

How to cancel a subscription on PeopleLooker by sending an email

To cancel PeopleLooker through an email, follow the steps described below:

  • Compose an email requesting the cancellation of the PeopleLooker free trial or paid subscription account.
  • Make sure to enclose the nine-digit membership ID along with the personal details.
  • Forward the email to the PeopleLooker official email address at

* Thats all on PL PeopleLooker trial cancel subscription. For any assistance feel free to reach out to the PeopleLooker customer support team regarding the PeopleLooker cancel subscription account.

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