Do not wish to continue with the ZipRecruiter account? Looking for answers like ‘Can you cancel ZipRecruiter before the free trial?’ If Yes, how do I cancel my ZipRecruiter account? You can find all the answers to your concern through this blog on how to cancel ZipRecruiter free trial.
How to cancel ZipRecruiter subscription Manually:
It came to the notice that many users of ZipRecruiter have posted their queries on the online platform regarding ZipRecruiter. The common concern seems to be on the complication of ZipRecruiter canceling a subscription.
There are certain methods that a user can wield to cancel ZipRecruiter. So here it is on how to cancel the ZipRecruiter account on your own.
- Online via website
- Cancel through an email
- Over Phone
How do I cancel ZipRecruiter free trial via the website:
If you are still on a free trial then this method will help you with the ZipRecruiter cancel application via through its official website.
Following are the steps to cancel a free ZipRecruiter account:-
- Visit at
- Next, sign in to the account with the essential credentials.
- Tap on the ‘Me’ tab located next to the ‘Profile’ section.
- Click ‘Help’ from the pop-up list.
- Select the ‘Account’ tab and hit on the ‘How to close account’ option.
- Click on the provided link.
- Finally, hit on the ‘Cancel’ button to end the subscription on ZipRecruiter.
How do I cancel ZipRecruiter by sending an Email:
The other method that can be employed to cancel ZipRecruiter account is via Email.
The steps to follow are:-
- Compose an email regarding ZipRecruiter cancellation.
- Under the subject ‘Request To Cancel Account’.
- Attach the details regarding the ZipRecruiter account.
- Forward the composed email to
- Also, ask for a confirmation email on cancellation after successful cancellation.
How to cancel my ZipRecruiter account over the Phone:
To cancel an application ZipRecruiter subscription over the Phone one must follow the below-mentioned steps:
- Call ZipRecruiter phone number by dialing 855-813-0288. They are available from Monday to Sunday, timing 6a.m – 6p.m PST.
- Talk to the agent regarding canceling the account ZipRecruiter.
- Provide the required information about the account on ZipRecruiter.
- Get the confirmation text from the company on cancellation over the phone or on the registered email address.
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