How To Cancel Intelius Subscription

Intelius enables the members to easily access the data on public records. It was established on 2003 that deals to deliver background reviews and people searches on other data services.

But this page is mainly created to provide the members with the overall information related to ‘How to cancel Intelius subscription’ methods.

Methods to cancel Intelius

How do I cancel my PCH Intelius online via the website

Following are the steps one needs to perform for PCH Intelius cancel subscription:

  • Visit at Intelius website and then navigate to the page on login.
  • In the next step, sign in to the account.
  • Now, click on ‘My Account located in the top taskbar.
  • Then select the ‘My Membership’ tab.
  • Then select the option on ‘Cancel My Membership’.
  • At last, click the ‘Yes’ button so as to confirm.

How to perform Intelius cancel subscription over Phone

Here are the points to canceling a subscription over the Phone:

  1. Firstly, call Intelius phone number at 888-445-2727 on working days from 7 am-4 pm PST
  2. Talk to Intelius customer support team requesting to cancel the membership.
  3. Provide the essential information and then ask for a confirmation email when cancellation is done successfully.

How to cancel Intelius subscription on Android

In case, users have downloaded the PCH Intelius application on an Android device, the steps required to cancel the subscription are:

  • Initiate ‘Google Play Store on your Android.
  • Next, sign into the Intelius account
  • Click on the ‘Menu’ tab.
  • Choose the section on ‘Subscriptions’.
  • Now, select ‘Intelius’ to review.
  • Lastly, hit the ‘Cancel subscription button to finish.

Intelius how to cancel a subscription on an Apple device

For an iOS or iPhone user, the steps one should go through are:

Launch the ‘Settings app.

Now, click on ‘Profile Name’.

Hit on the ‘Subscriptions’ tab.

Choose ‘Intelius’ from the menu list, the one you desire to cancel.

At last, tap on the ‘Cancel Subscription’ option in order to finish the cancellation.

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